Monday, 26 October 2015

Hearts and Bones - the rebirth of the Mexican novella

As part of my degree in Latin American studies I wrote a thesis on how expat authors writing about Mexico respond to the previous generation of expat authors’ books as much as they do to the country and the people themselves; the whole process perpetuating a lot of myths.
I wrote to Allen Ginsberg who confirmed that he and Jack Kerouac and Burroughs had all read Under the Volcano before they headed to Mexico, and I also wrote to David Markson, another American author (and only man – I discovered – to have known both Kerouac and Lowry) who sent me a signed copy of his Mexican opus, Going Down.
Twenty years later, Tezcatlipoca’s Dream, is my contribution to the genre. You can read excerpts here and on the website
If you like what you see, please go to Kindle Scout and vote for it so that we stand a chance of receiving a publishing contract with Amazon, here’s the link 
If we don’t win, TD will be launched online (Kindle) and later as a POD paperback before Christmas.
Muchisimas gracias


Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Best BCB Openers...

What's your favourite Black Crake Books opening line?

A warrior stands at the top of the steps and breathes deeply – Warriors
You are probably not overly familiar with Wisconsin, Nick? – Boathouse to Botswana
Dirty grey clouds scudded high up in the sky, assembling in black masses – Josie
Speak of Africa to anyone who has known her and at once a wistfulness invades their voice – My Forever Heartache
Beyond the open sash window the distant hum of an electric lawn mower – King of New Beginnings
Night fell somewhere in the desert south of Santiago – Three Journeys to Patagonia
The lack of oxygen to Walter’s brain was enough now for his body to start spasming – Yellow Dress
Boom! The sixteen canons on land signalled farewell to all those at sea – Tezcatlipoca’s Dream

Man is born free and is everywhere in trains – Notes from Overground

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Kindle Scout Campaign

Dear Readers

Please help Black Crake in our campaign to win a publishing contract with Amazon for our latest release Tezcatlipoca's Dream - A Mexican novella by Henry Green.

All you have to do is follow the link below and nominate it, but don't stop there, tell all your friends and share the link on social media. Together we can get it into the Hot and Trending list and win a contract. Your reward should Henry win? A free copy ahead of publication.

Many thanks in advance
Black Crake