Saturday, 6 August 2016

#50@50 You can do it!!

How to write 65 000 words in a month

So Black Crake Books is going to publish 50 manuscripts for Free!!
You know you have a good story in your head. You know you have been waiting for the right time to start typing this masterpiece, but you have always found that you do not have the time to write. You work from 8am till 5pm and you get home exhausted. You start scratching your head wondering where to start but end up sleeping on the sofa in front of the TV instead of getting a few words down.
Here are a few pointers that will help you reach 65 000 words in a month.
Hard work
One thing you need to know is that the book is not going to write itself. You are not going to wake up one day and find all the chapters neatly stacked on the table waiting for you to read through them and submit. This isn’t a fairy tale, there is no Rumpelstiltskin. Writing needs concentration, a colourful imagination and hard work. You will have to spin dry words into a string of beautiful golden sentences that will attract readers and have them begging for more.
Do you want to be the next Mark Twain, Charles Dickens or Jane Austen? All of these authors have one thing in common. They had determination - They were determined to have their stories told. You have a beautiful story. Black Crake Books is giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity to have it published. To have your name in the list of famous authors.
From the day we were born we were all allotted the same amount of time to use in the day. How we choose to use it, though, is up to us. If you are hardworking and determined you will always find the time to write your story. You can buy time from ‘time.’ The time you spend watching television is time you could be using to write. The time you use to browse the internet, take selfies, post pictures is time that you can use writing. Make a schedule that works for you. Wake up half an hour before your normal time and write. After work set aside two hours before going to bed and write. If you spend at least 2 hours 30 minutes a day writing you can reach the 65 000 words in a month. In fact you would have 70 000 words. So, is 65 000 words achievable? To the lazy the answer is no. But to the truly determined and hardworking, the answer is YES!
All writers are acquainted with writer’s block. Although they are hardworking, have the determination and the schedule to produce the work they lack the inspiration. The words just simply refuse to be written, like a petulant child that refuses to eat their vegetables. What can help? Reading other books. Writers are readers. They collect words. Writers are travellers. You don’t have to book a ticket to paradise, but you can imagine it. Make your mind travel. Free your imagination by daydreaming. What also motivates writers to keep writing is day to day activities. Authors are observant. They study people’s mannerisms, accents, attitudes, tones, smells, attire and many other things. Try this exercise – walk to town and watch people. Watch how they interact. Watch how they walk, how they talk, scream and shout. Watch their facial features, and their stance. Their hair styles and their garb. Give each individual a story, and you will find your creative juices flowing. Goodbye writer's block.

Can you produce a manuscript by the end of September 2016? Black Crake Books says, ‘Yes you can!  

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